
Teeth Cleaning

A healthy mouth and teeth are the main goals of dentistry. When dentistry first began, an office visit was only to fix a problem after it had become severe. Handling an injury or infection was painful with the limited tools and no anesthesia available.

Since those times, advancements in medicine have proven that the prevention of problems in the oral cavity is healthier for the entire body.

Proper oral hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth and teeth. Learning how to clean the mouth should begin as early as the infant stage. Simple gauze should be used to rub down the gums after feedings. After the first tooth erupts from the gums, a small soft brush should be used. By age one, the first cleaning and check-up appointment should be scheduled.

Professional cleanings should be scheduled every six months. Even the most diligent brushing cannot clear all the plaque from the teeth. During a professional cleaning, a certified dental hygienist uses special tools to deep clean the teeth and remove the plaque that has built up (descaling), especially between the teeth and along the gum line.

After descaling, the teeth are scrubbed and flossed, and then Dr. Cederberg will do a thorough examination of the entire mouth to make sure no cavities or other oral problems are developing.

Call Cederberg Dental for your professional cleaning.