Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) are painful and need to be assessed by a dentist. Dr. Robert A. Cederberg is available to help you with any popping of the jaw or pain when talking or chewing. If the jaw is locked open or closed, this needs to be looked at immediately. Call 214-348-7090 for an emergent appointment.

Temporomandibular disorder is also generically referred to as TMJ (temporomandibular joint). TMD will also cause a tired feeling in the face, pain into the neck or even the shoulder, or swelling of the jaw or cheeks.

The TMJ is technically the hinge connecting the jaw to the skull. This hinge allows the jaw to move in many directions allowing for chewing and talking. Yawning would not be possible without this hinge.

TMD can happen to men or women but is more prevalent in women, especially ages 20 to 40. TMD can last for many years or be a temporary condition. It can affect both sides of the face or just one side.

Causes of TMD can range from teeth grinding, stress, arthritis, or abnormal movement of the ball and socket of the joint.

Dr. Cederberg can help treat TMD and get you back to a pain-free life.