

One option for chipped teeth or gaps in the teeth is the application of veneers. With veneers, a thin shell of material is bonded onto the front of a tooth that needs to be corrected. The color of a veneer is color-matched to the original teeth, making them blend in perfectly. Veneers can also be used to fix misshaped teeth or even cover stubborn stains.

Veneers have been used since the early days of movie-making. Actors with imperfect teeth asked dentists to find a way to make their smiles better. At first, a veneer was only temporary because the available glue was not strong enough to last more than a few days at a time.

Over the years, technology has improved glues and adhesives to the point where it is possible to attach veneers permanently, making them a more popular option to fix problems with the appearance of teeth.

Cederberg Dental in Dallas, Texas, offers veneers made of porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain resists stains better and is the strongest material available. Composite resin is less expensive but easier to fix if it gets damaged.

Call 214-348-7090 to discuss your options today.